Welcome to real life


The Project

“My life really began to make sense when I became a Mod,
it separated us from the civilians, the normal people…”

Steph Raynor


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Who were the Mods?

“Some people think the Mod thing was all about how you looked, like some immense army of people who all had the same look but it wasn’t like that.”

Jelly Nixon

Find out more about the 1960s Mods and the important scenes that were happening in Leicester, Nottingham and across the Midlands.

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The Exhibition

“If you weren’t a Mod, you were a Rocker. If you were neither  of those, you were nothing…”

Polly Gray

A series of talking heads short films by former Mods,  a feature length documentary and some short films made by Soft Touch Arts make up this exciting film season.

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“We had a personal attitude of flamboyance, arrogance and superiority that defined our own individual expression.”

Bob Hughes

A series of talking heads short films by former Mods, a feature length documentary and some short films made by Soft Touch Arts make up this exciting film season.

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Revive Festival

Our very own vintage festival is coming to Leicester between the 15th – 30th June 2019. Find out more about what will be happening all over the city.

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